Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blog Post #6 - Networked Student

The Networked Student

          The idea of connectivism is very interesting! The basic meaning is that a student will build a network of education for himself, with assistance from the professor. Through programs like Google Scholar, we can do our own research and determine the validity of a website. Using iTuneU we can find podcasts from actual classes across the world and put them straight on our iPod. What a crazy thought. I attend the University of South Alabama, and I can receive a lecture from a professor at UC Berkleigh? This is a great example of technology at its best in the education world.
          Teachers are needed with the concept of connectivism, simply because they help organize the students. A teacher instructs the student on how to politely ask for help. They tell the student how to organize the mounds of information they receive from  their PLN.

          Thinking about all that I have learned, and what I know now, I could easily fill a novel. But dreaming about the infinite knowledge I could have gained from networking such as this is incredible. As a child I always heard, "Two heads are better than one." How about ten brains, or 100 working together? This would be an infinite well of knowledge, coming from all kinds of backgrounds and origins. I hope I can teach this way in my classroom. I will definitely try my best. 


  1. "...at UC Berkleigh?' UC Berkeley, not Berkleigh

    Baldwin County is now ephasizing the use of challenge based, project-based and problem-based learning strategies at all grade levels. These efforts are similar to the networked student's approach to learning except the approaches vary according to grade. So get ready to be a Networked Teacher!

  2. Hey Heather!

    I totally agree with you that networking of this type would really broaden anyone's knowledge base. You're getting multiple perspectives and styles of teaching, not just from one professor.

    I think that teachers not only need to help the students organize, but also show them which sources are the best to use for their PLN, and how to recognize which ones are reliable.

    Keep it up! :)

  3. Hello, hello! Late on my part, but just wanted to say great post! I agree with everyone above and then some! PLNs are just a step in the right direction for us being well rounded, like you said. Even better, networking sounds like a great match for you and I hope to read more from your blog. Good job!
